No More Elections!
(FICTION) By: Nathan Truzzolino
What would a world look like if the United States decided that a ‘fair’ election for the President is no longer possible or more importantly it simply doesn't work. What if instead of voting, every American over the age of 25 can take a test to see if they are fit to be President of the United States (POTUS).
Lets enter a world in the not so distant future, where anyone with the will and the skill can be the most powerful person in the country and the caous that ensues. Welcome to…
This project is an idea I had about what would happen if the US had stopped using a popular vote system to elect the POTUS but instead using a computer generate algorithm to find the perfect candidate.
The project starts by follow two twin brothers (Charlie and Shooter Wallace) who were elected by the algorithm to be the new leaders of the free world. Unfortunately the new constitution would never allow two Presidents to be in power at the same time so in order to operate efficiently while not loosing the faith of the American people that the algorithm doesn’t work, the White House decides to mascaraed the twins as one person.
The boys grew up in rural Montana in a one room school house up to 5th grade until they were adopted by their grandmother, who is a renaissance women. She is a nurse, a teacher, a philosopher, a physicist and psychologist. They had one friend growing up on the farm but that was it. When they went with their grandmother they went to live abroad with their grandmothers family. One went to Puerto Rico with relatives and the other to Scotland to live in their ancestral land.
So the twins will be two very different people but yet share a lot of weird and funny traits, flaws and insecurities.
The project would be a jumble of dramedy type vignettes of their time as Presidents of the United States of American.
These are their stories.
Dun Dun.